Creates a new page with the given name, initial size, and row structure. This function errors if a page already exists with the given name. You may consider calling New() once and then rewriting your RBXMod to call Load() instead. Used with the Page.Type functions to define a structure for the rows.


Page New (String name, int initial_num_rows, array row_structure)


  • String name The name of the page. Used to load it in future instances of the RBXMod. Names are RBXMod-specific and pages cannot be shared with other RBXMods.
  • int initial_num_rows The number of rows to allocate. This number is multiplied by the bytes required by the row structure to define the total memory requirements of the file. The entire file is allocated at once and can be reallocated with the :Resize() method later.
  • array row_structure This parameter is an array of calls to RBXMod.Type. The array defines the order the columns are stored in memory. RBXMod.Type functions take in the column name along with any other relavent parameters like string length. See the example below.


Returns a Page object. This is a userdata.


local myPage = Page.New("myPage", 32, {
    Page.Type.String ("Name", 64),
    Page.Type.Number "Score",
    Page.Type.Bool "IsBanned",